Saturday, April 01, 2006

Judiciary Hearings to Censure Bush

I started this blog because of my disgust with the performance of the Democrats at the Alito hearings. I can only restate that disgust when on Friday confronted with the notable absence of the Democrats in the hearing before the Judiciary Committee to consider Sen. Russ Feingold’s censure resolution.

Joe Biden, who made baseball (or some fool sport) jokes in the Alito hearings instead of asking intelligent questions, has the nerve to be running for president while not even bothering to show up for this hearing.

I will never vote for a Republican for anything including dog catcher. My husband refuses to even hire a workman who is a Republican. But the Democrats are a disgrace, an utter disgrace.

Feingold is right. History will look back and take note of the fact that two Democrats had the courage to sit on this hearing committee, only two, Feingold and Lehey. They are the only two who deserve to remain in the Senate.

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