Thursday, March 09, 2006

What the Bastards Are Up To Today

Cadaver Dog Teams Sent Home

On CNN last night, there was a story of teams of investigators with cadaver dogs arriving in New Orleans only to be asked by a representative of FEMA to sign a form stating that they were providing long-term aid to people displaced by the hurricane Katrina.

The cadaver-dog teams refused to sign and pointed out that asking them to sign was an act of fraud.

FEMA promptly informed the teams that contrary to an agreement, they (FEMA) could not pay for their hotel rooms. As a consequence, the teams are leaving.

Bush is requesting billions for New Orleans reconstruction, but they could not find enough money to pay for hotel rooms for these teams for a few days.

It should escape no one's attention that the teams began finding bodies as soon as they arrived in New Orleans and that Bush was visiting NO at the time. It should be remembered that the Bush administration told the media that dead bodies were not to be shown on television after Katrina and the usually subservient media complied. Now, the Bush administration would prefer the embarrassing bodies to disappear in the rubble rather than having them dragged out in public to further demonstrate just how criminally negligent this administration is.

Republicans Block the Investigation of the NSA Wiretapping

Below is the link for the Washington Post's article on the Republican blocking of the investigation of the NSA wiretapping program.

And an article about FBI violations related to wiretapping. This is only further confirmation that an investigation is warranted.

Even though the Republicans are trying to act as if the agreement with the White House about the NSA wiretapping is a meaningful one, it allows warrantless wiretapping. Below is a New York Times story about this.

For legal commentary and southern stories, go to

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