Tuesday, February 28, 2006

More Halliburton Boondoggle

Mike Barnicle from the Boston Herald, is on Imus this morning. I don’t usually listen to Imus since it reminds me of being in an adolescent locker room. But, Barnicle is ranting on about what a disaster Iraq is. This is complete with video of chanting Iraqis.
Imus is complaining about the Pentagon’s decision to reimburse Halliburton for charges that were held up by investigation.

To read a letter from Senator Waxman complaining about the Halliburton contract, go to:

Two brief quotes from the letter:

The Pentagon has "awarded Halliburton over $250 million in cost reimbursements, profits, and bonuses for billings that Defense Department auditors determined to be unreasonable and unsupported."

Waxman continues:

"The Defense Department provided no adequate explanation for this irresponsible action, and has been withholding relevant documents about its compensation determinations from the Committee for almost a year."

These were payments under a no-bid contract which the Bush administration gave to Halliburton in March of 2003.

A great site for keeping up with Halliburton crime, fraud and deception, go to:

Halliburton Watch:

A New York Times Article about the reimbursements:

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